District 24 Handbook
Western Washington Area 72
Pacific Region 8
Preface: This handbook was created by a Finance Ad Hoc Committee formed within District 24 in April of 2005. The most recent update was completed in April 2022. If there are additional questions regarding positions or expenditures, please reference the AA service Manual or AA Guidelines for each committee or position.
Trusted Servant Position Descriptions and Approved Expenditures
General: The District 24 Committee is comprised of the General Service Representatives (GSRs) of the Home Groups meeting in the Edmonds, Lynnwood and Mountlake Terrace area as well as the Elected Trusted Servants who chair the positions listed in this Handbook. The District Business Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the St Hilda & St Patrick Episcopal Church 15224 52nd Ave W, Edmonds, WA 98026.
All members of the Fellowship are welcome (and encouraged) to attend and participate in the meeting’s discussion. However, the GSRs and Elected Trusted Servants are the only voting members of the Committee. An Alternate GSR (or other Home Group Member) can vote for that group in the absence of the group’s GSR. Except for “housekeeping” motions of a routine nature, all motions involving District 24 primary business require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Committee members present at the meeting for approval. A simple majority (more than 50%) will approve housekeeping motions.
Elected Trusted Servants: The District 24 Elected Trusted Servant positions and their respective responsibilities are listed below. Elections for these positions are held in the Fall of even-numbered years and serve two-year rotations, which begin in January of the following odd-numbered year. This rotation time frame coincides with that for the Western Washington Area 72 Trusted Servants. Elections are conducted following the Third Legacy procedure described in the AA Service Manual (pg. 110-111). As suggested in the AA Service manual, candidates for the positions of DCM and Alternate DCM should have at least four or five years of continuous sobriety. In addition, it is generally suggested that candidates for the other District Elected Trusted Servant positions have at least two years of continuous sobriety. GSRs already in the District committee are eligible to hold any of these positions except those of the DCM and Alternate DCM. In the spirit of rotation, any elected trusted servant serving as past DCM, Alternate DCM and Treasurer is not eligible to hold that position again.
A special election will be held to fill any vacancies that may occur during the normal two-year period of rotation. The term of any position filled in this manner will finish the period of time left in that rotation.
As adopted by the District 24 Business meeting, each Elected Trusted Servant is responsible for keeping track of and staying at or below the funds budgeted for their service work. These budgets are published in the monthly Newsletter and are also posted on the District 24 website. (https://district24.org/)
DISTRICT COMMITTEE MEMBER (DCM): The DCM chairs District 24 business meetings and reports to the GSRs about the current activities and issues, as well as proposals and upcoming events in District 24, Western Washington Area 72 (WWA72), and AA as a whole. The DCM’s responsibilities are outlined in detail in the AA Service Manual (pgs. 15-16).
The DCM represents District 24 on the Western Washington Area Committee and is a voting member of that committee. As such, the DCM is expected to attend three Area Quarterly meetings held in January, April and July, as well as the Area Assembly held in October of each year. If an inventory is requested, the DCM is responsible for inviting a past DCM or current Area trusted servant to facilitate such. If a District 24 Chairperson is unable to attend the WWA72 Committee Quarterly Meetings, the DCM should attend or aid in finding another Trusted Servant to cover that meeting. In addition, the DCM invites the current Area Delegate to attend the District meeting and present their report after the annual General Service Conference.
Approved Expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required)
- Attendance at Area Quarterlies (three/year, first full Friday and Saturday in January, April and July) and attendance at WWA72 Pre-Conference
- Registration fees
- Lodging for one night (at the WWA72 or Host Committee negotiated rate)
- Meals
- Travel (if distance is more than 25 miles (one way) from District 24, either actual costs or mileage reimbursed at current WWA72 approved rate (current IRS Business Rate).
- Attendance at WWA72 Pre-conference (one per year, in February or March)
- Travel to/from Pre-conference (for mileage reimbursement-see above)
- Attendance at WWA72 Pre-Assembly (one per year, in August)
- Travel (for mileage reimbursement-see above)
- Attendance at WWA72 Assembly (one per year, 1st full weekend in October)
- Full early registration package/fees
- Lodging for up to two nights at the WWA72 or Host Committee negotiated rate
- Meals (not provided in registration package)
- Travel (for mileage reimbursement-see section I.4.)
- Communication Expenses (i.e., postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- Copies
ALTERNATE DISTRICT COMMITTEE MEMBER (ALT. DCM): The Alternate DCM fulfills the responsibilities of the DCM in the event the DCM is unavailable, resigns or is unable to serve for any reason. District 24 expects the Alternate DCM to assist, participate and share in the DCM’s responsibilities at the District and Area meetings as noted above and in the AA Service Manual (pg. S16).
The Alternate DCM is not a voting member of the Western Washington Area Committee; however, he/she/they vote in the absence of the DCM. To be consistent with the above expectations and to work alongside the DCM at all Area functions, District 24 will reimburse the Alt. DCM for the same expenses listed above regarding the DCM’s attendance at Area Quarterlies and at the WWA72 Area Assembly.
TREASURER: The Treasurer is the guardian of the District’s financial resources resulting from AA’s Tradition Seven. He/She/They keeps the District informed of financial matters by submitting a full report at each District 24 business meeting. This report should also be printed in the monthly newsletter.
The Treasurer is responsible for receiving and recording group contributions, writing receipts for contributions, endorsing checks, balancing the District’s checkbook: making deposits, paying bills incurred by the District (including the District’s Post Office Box rental fee), reimbursing approved expenses of the District Trusted Servants in a timely manner. The District’s approved signature card for the bank accounts will include the Treasurer, Alt Treasurer, DCM and Alternate DCM with only one signature being required to conduct business.
Approved Expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Communication Expenses (i.e., postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- Copies
RECORDING SECRETARY: The Recording Secretary attends all District 24 Business meetings and provides all District Trusted Servants with a copy of meeting minutes, for GSRs to distribute to their groups. He/She/They will maintain a current/updated contact list for the members of the District Committee. He/She/They will ill forward a copy of monthly minutes to Archives Chair for District 24. He/She/They will participate participates on Ad-Hoc or other such appropriate committees, such as Handbook Update Committee. He/She/They are responsible for maintaining the District email distribution list, and sending out communications district-wide as needed. As a key point of contact for the District, he/she/they also fields a wide range of questions as to resources and or processes at the Area level to assist District 24 GSRs, Chairs and Alt Chairs.
Approved Expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Communication Expenses (i.e., postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- Copies
ACCESSIBILITY COMMITTEE CHAIR: The Accessibility Chair schedules and chairs regular meetings of the District 24 Accessibility Committee. The Chair represents District 24 on the WWA72 Accessibility Committee and is expected to attend that Committee’s four quarterly meetings. He/She/They are also expected to attend District 24 Business meetings. It is also suggested that the Accessibility Chair annually host or co-host an Accessibility Quarterly. The funding for this is a part of the committee’s budget. The District Accessibility Chair follows the AA Guidelines for Accessibility, and the Accessibility Workbook which are available from GSO. Additional questions/input may be available from the WWA72 Accessibility Chair.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Area Accessibility Quarterlies expenses (mileage and any other travel expenses, if required-see travel expense policies under “DCM”)
- Communication Expenses (i.e., postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- Copies
- AA approved Literature for distribution
ARCHIVES COMMITTEE CHAIR: The Archives Chair schedules and chairs regular meetings of the District 24 Archives Committee, when a committee is formed. It is a four-year service position. The Chair represents District 24 on the WWA72 Archives Committee and is expected to attend that Committee’s four quarterly meetings. He/She/They are also expected to attend District 24 Business meetings. It is also suggested that the Archives Chair annually host or co-host an Archives Quarterly. The funding for this is a part of the committee’s budget. He/She/They maintains historical materials relevant to District 24 and makes it available for district/group functions. He/She/They works closely with District Committee to collect, organize, store, maintain and display historical files and materials. He/She/They follows the AA Guidelines on Archives and the suggestions and experience of the WWA72 Archives Steering Committee.
ALTERNATE ARCHIVES CHAIR – The Alt Archives Chair assists the District Archives Chair in all the duties mentioned in the description for Archives Chair. It is a 4-year service position. He/She/They attends the Area Archive Quarterlies with the Archives Chair. He/She/They will represent the district archivist in lieu of absence of the Archivist at meetings. The goal is to gain knowledge of archival procedures as outlined in the Archivist guidelines and to move into the position of Archivist for the District after their 4 years of service in this position.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Archives Quarterlies expenses (mileage and any other travel expenses, if required-see travel expense policies under “DCM”)
- Communication Expenses (i.e., postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- Literature expense
- Copies
- Office Supplies
COOPERATION WITH THE PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY (CPC) COMMITTEE CHAIR: The CPC Chair schedules and chairs regular meetings of the District 24 CPC Committee, when a Committee is formed. The Chair represents District 24 on the WWA72 CPC Committee and is expected to attend that Committee’s four quarterlies. In addition, the Chair is expected to attend District 24 Business meetings and report on that Committee’s activities. It is also suggested that the CPC Chair annually host or co-host a CPC Quarterly. The funding for this is a part of the Committee’s budget. The District CPC Chair follows the AA Guidelines for Cooperation with the Professional Community and the CPC Workbook which are available from GSO. He/She/They should be familiar with AA literature that may be helpful to professionals who have contact with alcoholics.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Area CPC Quarterlies expenses (mileage and any other travel expenses, if required-see travel expense policies under “DCM”)
- Communication Expenses (i.e., phone, postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- AA approved literature expenses
DETOX FACILITIES COMMITTEE CHAIR: The Detox Chair schedules and organizes regular meetings of a Detox Program. This person is encouraged to attend the Treatment Facility Committee’s four quarterly meetings. The Detox Chair will work with the Treatment Chair in offering Bridging the Gap support, to help facilitate bridges between detox facility clients and District 24 AA Bridge volunteers. The Detox Chair is expected to attend the monthly District 24 Business meeting to report on the Detox-related activities. It is also suggested that the Detox Chair annually host or co-host a Detox quarterly. The funding for this is a part of the Committee’s budget. The Detox Chair utilizes the AA Guidelines for Treatment Facilities and the Treatment Facilities workbook from GSO, as well as other pertinent AA literature. Responsibilities may also include maintaining regular contact with local Detox facilities personnel, scheduling speakers and meetings at the facilities, and encouraging participation by both AA Home Group members and Detox patients in the BTG program.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Area Detox Quarterlies expenses (mileage and any other travel expenses, if required-see travel expense policies under “DCM”)
- Communication Expenses (i.e., phone, postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- AA approved Literature for distribution to Detox Facilities
EVENTS COORDINATOR: The Events Coordinator handles all the planning of any events we have throughout the year including the Gratitude Banquet and Summer Picnic. Activities include: Securing Venues, facilitating schedules for events, coordinating with vendors, delegating duties and creating Sub Committees, creating and distributing flyers for events and confirming with District 24 and Area 72 and both Intergroup webmasters that such event has been posted. The Event Coordinator also announces budgets for events at the District 24 Business Meeting and asks for seed money prior to the event. He/She/They report all expenses at the District 24 Business Meeting after the events. He/She/They also maintain the event binders and pass on the materials to the next Event Coordinator. This position has a key to the District Storage Unit.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Refer to Annual Budget as approved by District 24.
Suggested Committee Formation Schedule:
- Gratitude Banquet: A Committee will be formed each year beginning at around December or January to plan the March banquet.
- Summer Picnic: A Committee will be formed at or around April to plan the Picnic. If the District wants to continue the use of Edmonds City Park/Shelters, a Committee member will need to reserve those and put a deposit down. The city park office opens reservations for summer spots in February of each year.
CORRECTIONS FACILITIES COMMITTEE CHAIR: The Corrections Facilities Chair schedules and chairs regular meetings of the District 24 Corrections Facilities Committee. The Chair represents District 24 on the WWA72 Correctional Facilities Committee and is expected to attend that Committee’s four quarterly meetings. In addition, the Chair is expected to attend the monthly District 24 Business meetings and report on the Committee’s activities and available service opportunities for group members. It is also suggested that the Corrections Chair annually host or co-host a Corrections Quarterly. The funding for this is a part of the Committee’s budget. The Chair should have knowledge of the various Correction facility clearance requirements and should be available to assist group members in securing and completing the necessary paperwork for facility access. The Corrections Facilities Chair also encourages AA member participation in the Corrections Bridge Program and the Corrections Correspondence Program. Additional responsibilities are outlined in the Corrections Facilities Workbook from GSO and the AA Guidelines for Correctional Facilities Committees.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Area Corrections Quarterlies expenses (mileage and any other travel expenses, if required-see travel expense policies under “DCM”)
- Communication Expenses (i.e., phone, postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- AA approved Literature for distribution to Correctional Facilities
GRAPEVINE AND LITERATURE (GVL) COMMITTEE CHAIR: The Grapevine/Literature Chair schedules and chairs regular meetings of the District 24 Grapevine/Literature Committee. The Chair represents District 24 on the WWA72 Grapevine and Literature Committee and is expected to attend that Committee’s four quarterly meetings. He/She/They are also expected to attend the monthly District 24 Business meetings and make a report on GvL related activities. It is also suggested that the GvL Chair annually host or co-host a GvL Quarterly. The funding for this is a part of the Committee’s budget. The District GvL Committee Chair follows the guidelines outlined in the Grapevine Workbook from GSO and the AA Guidelines for Literature Committees. His/Her/Their primary responsibility is to educate the fellowship about AA literature, related service material, and how to obtain it. The Chair maintains a literature display, which is available for presentation at Home Groups.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Area GvL Quarterlies expenses (mileage and any other travel expenses, if required-see travel expense policies under “DCM”)
- Communication Expenses (i.e., phone, postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- AA approved literature expenses
NEWSLETTER CHAIR: The Newsletter Chair is responsible for the monthly District newsletter that is distributed to District Committee members. This includes gathering quarterly reports from other district members, meeting minutes, treasurer reports, and any announcements that the members think should be included. To encourage unity and fellowship, the Newsletter Chair also adds Area 72 calendar information, flyers, and events that are happening in the newsletter. This position needs to ensure that contact information, such as email addresses, are up to date in each issue, as well as proofread and remove personal information before monthly submission to the web chair for publication to the District 24 website. The formation of sub-committees may be needed.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Copies
PUBLIC INFORMATION (PI) COMMITTEE CHAIR: The PI Chair schedules and chairs regular meetings of the District 24 PI Committee. The Chair represents District 24 on the WWA72 PI Committee and is expected to attend that Committee’s four quarterlies. He/She/They are also expected to attend the monthly District Business meetings and report on the PI Committee’s activities. It is also suggested that the PI Chair annually host or co-host a PI Quarterly. The funding for this is a part of the Committee’s budget. The District PI Chair follows AA Guidelines for Public Information and the PI workbook and is familiar with AA literature pertinent to public information.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Area PI Quarterlies expenses (mileage and any other travel expenses, if required-see travel expense policies under “DCM”)
- Communication Expenses (i.e., postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- AA approved Literature expenses
- Copies
REGISTRAR: The Registrar is expected to attend the monthly District Business meetings and make a report. He/She/They are responsible for providing new and updated group information for District 24 to the WWA72 Registrar and GSO. The Registrar will work in conjunction with the Schedules Committee Chair and the District Secretary to make sure all relevant information on District 24 Home Groups is kept up to date.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Communication Expenses (i.e., postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- Copies
SCHEDULE COMMITTEE CHAIR: The Schedule Chair updates and submits a downloadable schedule to the Web Chair for the District 24 website. He/She/They are responsible for representing District 24 at schedule meetings for the Everett/Snohomish County Schedule Book as well as Greater Seattle Intergroup and will keep them informed of any changes within District 24. He/She/They also authorize up to $500 every six months to provide at least 2,500 copies of the Everett/Snohomish County schedule book for District GSRs to bring back to their Home Groups for distribution. Reimbursement from Home Groups for these copies is optional. The details of distribution to District Home groups and other AA entities will be determined by the Ad-Hoc Schedule Committee.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Copies
- General (envelopes, paper, etc.)
TREATMENT FACILITIES (TF) COMMITTEE CHAIR: The District TF Chair schedules and chairs regular meetings of the District 24 Treatment Committee. The Treatment Chair represents District 24 on the WWA72 Treatment Committee, including attending that Committee’s four Quarterly meetings. The TF Chair will help facilitate bridges between treatment facility clients and AA Bridge volunteers. The TF Chair is expected to attend the monthly District 24 Business meeting to report on the treatment related activities. It is also suggested that the TF Chair annually host or co-host a Treatment Facilities Quarterly. The funding for this is a part of the Committee’s budget. The TF Chair uses the AA Guidelines for Treatment Facilities and the Treatment Facilities workbook from GSO, as well as other pertinent AA literature. Responsibilities may also include maintaining regular contact with local treatment facilities personnel, scheduling speakers and meetings at the facilities, and encouraging participation by both AA Home Group members and treatment patients in the Bridging the Gap program.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Area Treatment Facility Quarterlies expenses (mileage and any other travel expenses, if required-see travel expense policies under “DCM”)
- Communication Expenses (i.e., phone, postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- AA Approved literature for distribution to Treatment Facilities.
THIRD LEGACY CHAIR: The Third Legacy Chair will chair a meeting one hour prior to the regular monthly District 24 Business Meeting on topics of Service. This may include group study of literature or service manual, guest presentations, or any other service topics chosen by the Third Legacy Chair. This is also an opportunity to share the area wide scope of service opportunities and events with the District 24 Chairs and GSRs.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Refer to Annual Budget as approved by District 24.
WEB SERVANT CHAIR: The Web Servant Chair is expected to attend the monthly District Business meeting and make a report. He/She/They are responsible for keeping the District informed of all costs and contracts involved in the upkeep of the website. The Web Servant works closely with the District Committee in maintaining/updating the content of the website, including flyers for events happening in District 24, as well as following GSO and WWA72 Guidelines for websites. It is suggested that anyone making themselves available for District Web Servant have two years webmaster experience.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Refer to Annual Budget as approved by District 24.
- Yearly contribution to web domain
- Copies
YOUNG PEOPLE’S CHAIR: The Young People’s Chair schedules and chairs regular meetings of the District 24 Young People’s Committee. The Chair represents District 24 on the WWA72 Young People’s Committee and is expected to attend that Committee’s four quarterly meetings. He/She/They are also expected to attend monthly District 24 Business meetings. It is also suggested that the Young People’s Chair annually host or co-host a Young People’s Quarterly. The funding for this is a part of the Committee’s budget. The District Young People’s Chair follows the AA Guidelines for the Young People’s WWA72 Committee. Additional questions/input may be available from the WWA72 Young People’s Chair.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Refer to Annual Budget as approved by District 24.
- Area Young People’s Quarterlies expenses (mileage and any other travel expenses, if required – see travel expense policies under “DCM”)
- Communication Expenses (i.e., phone, postage, paper/envelopes, etc.)
- AA approved literature for distribution.
ZONE REPRESENTATIVE: The Zone Representative will represent District 24 at the monthly Greater Seattle Intergroup (GSIG) Business Meetings. He/She/They will also bring back information from the GSIG Business meetings to the monthly District Business meetings.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Travel expenses (mileage and any other travel expenses, if required-see travel expense policies under “DCM”)
- Communication Expenses (i.e., phone, postage, copies, etc.)
ZOOM COORDINATOR: The District Zoom Coordinator is expected to attend monthly District 24 business meetings and make a report. They are also responsible for Managing District Zoom accounts, Scheduling meetings using Zoom when meetings are requested by District Chairpersons, setting up and hosting hybrid Zoom meetings during the monthly District 24 business meetings and other District meetings as needed. Management of Zoom updates and settings must be kept current in accordance with GSO recommendations and/or the group conscience. The Zoom Coordinator also provides training sessions and technical support to users at the District and group level wishing to meet online or in hybrid format.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Annual Zoom licensing fees.
- Equipment necessary for hosting hybrid District meetings (microphone, camera, projector, screen, etc.)
SNO-KING INTERGROUP REP: The District Sno-King Intergroup Rep attends regular meetings of the Sno-King Intergroup. He/She/They are also expected to attend monthly District 24 Business meetings and report back the happenings of Sno-King Intergroup.
Approved expenses to be reimbursed by District 24 (receipts required):
- Refer to Annual Budget as approved by District 24.
AD-HOC COMMITTEES: On an annual basis, Standing Committees will be formed for District-wide special interest activities, such as (1) Finance Committee (to review District 24’s budget and prudent reserve on an as-needed basis); (2) Handbook Committee (to send out drafts to Committee chairs for review and updating and present new drafts to the district for approval); and any other Ad-hoc Committees that are agreed-upon by District Trusted Servants. In addition, a budget will be set up on an as-needed basis.
- Finance Committee: The Committee will be formed on an as-needed basis to review the budget for District 24 and make recommendations. It is suggested that the Finance Committee Chair be responsible for keeping the Committee within budget.
- Handbook Committee: The Committee will be formed on an as-needed basis to update the District 24 Handbook (as published on the website) for each of the Committee chairs. Once updated, the draft will be sent to the District and the Trusted Servants for review and approval. Recommended: once per rotation.
General District 24 Expenditures: The District has general obligations (not assigned to an Elected Trusted Servant) for which expenditures are authorized. These approved expenditures include:
- Rent for District Business Meetings($75/month)
- Post Office Box rental fee ($6.80/month)
- Bank fees for District bank account ($5/month, plus expense for ordering more books of checks)
- Annually Co-hosting (with neighboring Districts) Area level Pre-Conference and Pre-Assembly meetings
- Monthly reimbursement of the District Trusted Servants (as required by position)
- Travel reimbursements for WWA72 Trusted Servants requested to attend District 24 meetings
District 24 Forecast of Expenditures and Prudent Reserve: The District 24 Finance Committee (consisting of volunteers) will develop and approve (after review and approval by the Home Groups) an annual “Forecast of Expenditures” which will be based on the expenses approved in this document. The monthly Treasurer’s Report to the District will include the record of actual expenses versus the forecast.
In addition, this Forecast of Expenditures will be used to determine the actual amount of the Prudent Reserve for District 24 for that particular year. The actual Prudent Reserve will be 25% (or three months’ worth of contributions) of the total Forecast of Expenditures for that year.
Annually, the Treasurer will ask the district for a vote sometime in December or January on whether or not to distribute excess funds on hand at that time. If approved, the Treasurer will disburse any funds in excess of the operating budget and prudent reserve. The Treasurer will send Seventh Tradition contributions to the following Alcoholics Anonymous service organizations:
- Western Washington Area 72 50%
- AA General Service Office 20%
- Sno-King Intergroup Office 20%
- Greater Seattle Intergroup Office 10%
Handbook Approval: This Handbook has been reviewed and comments provided to the Home Groups of District 24. Approval for implementation of this document will be obtained by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the District Committee members present at the relevant District Business meeting in which it is to come up for a vote. Implementation of future revisions, additions and changes will also require prior review by the Home Groups and a two-thirds majority vote by those present at a subsequent District Business meeting.